I had two instances today concerning The Book of Common Prayer. One was about a BCP Day being held here in Sydney, and if I could put up a poster advertising the event in our church. The answer to this was "no," as the whole thing was likely to be too protestant for us.
The second encounter was of more interest. A woman came in with a copy of BCP which she was given at her Confirmation in the 1960's. the book had been on her shelf for years, and she had kept it just in case. Until today. She had decided that it should go to someone "who would use it; one of the clergy or someone." I told her we don't use the BCP, but I would find a home for it, either with parishioner or our library.
The whole incident was sad. It wasn't about making room on her shelf, it was almost a statement. This woman obviously doesn't need the book anymore. I found the whole thing quite sad. I wished there was something I could do; talk to her about our church, or let her know that we are here if ever she decides she does need us.
When I travel, I take at least two books with me: my Bible (RV) and The Book of Common Prayer (1928). When I have my own parish, I will use the BCP (1928). I will also use Merbecke's music for Communion. I think I may even put the Gloria at the end of the service.
Edit: 01.05.09: I will not be putting the Gloria at the end, and I more than likely will be using the 1549 with modern English.
Edit: 15.03.13: I would now use the 1662 Holy Communion service as is. I think I would also use the Morning and Evening Prayer.
Edit: 15.03.13: I would now use the 1662 Holy Communion service as is. I think I would also use the Morning and Evening Prayer.
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